有朋自远方来 荷兰游客:外国网友们为张家界点赞

[来源:华声在线] [作者:冯宇轩 邹尚奇 伍一帆]

华声在线4月19日讯(记者 冯宇轩 邹尚奇 实习生 伍一帆)4月18日,记者在张家界国家森林公园杨家界景区偶遇了一名初次来中国旅游的外国游客,他表示独自一人来到张家界已经三天,今天好不容易登上了杨家界最高峰“一步登天”,一览众山,心情格外愉悦。他拍了许多张家界风景照发布到了海外社交平台上,外国网友们都在为张家界美景点赞。

On April 18th, I encountered a foreign tourist visiting China for the first time at the Yangjiajie scenic area of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. He mentioned that he had been traveling alone in Zhangjiajie for three days and finally managed to climb to the highest peak of Yangjiajie, called "One Step to Heaven," where he enjoyed a panoramic view of the mountains, feeling particularly delighted. He took many photos of the Zhangjiajie scenery and shared them on oversea social media platform, where many foreign netizens praised the beautiful scenery of Zhangjiajie.

(一审:杨露 二审:卢小伟 三审:蒋玉青)

